Monday 29 May 2017

Rumors Jam 5/28/17 Rocking Hard

Rumor's Jam (Host: Terry McDowell)

Rick Clay-Guitar and Vocal on Dreams I'll Never See Again
Mitch Smith-Saxophone and Vocals on Keep Your Hands To Yourself and Roadhouse Blues
Duane Connaughton-Bass On Roadhouse Blues and Dreams I'll Never See Again
Danny Byal-Bass on Keep Your Hands To Yourself


Roadhouse Blues
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
Dreams I'll Never See

Terry McDowell continues to amaze me with his jams of the past couple months.  This time out, the new recruit was Duane Connaughton, a hard driving bass player from Indiana who bought his son with him, his son plays drums and really knew how to pound the double bass petals. He might rival Trevor Worcel as the hardest hitting drummer out there.

I was dealing with headaches galore, and the past couple nights supporting Julie with her band and with Bart but I figure if I stayed home I'd just be miserable.  This jam was more hard rocking than usual, Rick Clay returned with the singer from Four Day Creep and Duane, who had experience in playing the harder rock/grunge number really played the role of rock star.  I'm guessing he was a bit younger than me but he has played in a number of Indiana rock bands.  The guy really blew me away on how he can play bass too.

I guess having Mitch Smith sit in and sing the songs was the less rocking of the numbers but it really wasn't that way.  Rick and Duane are solid rockers but Mitch can hold his own with his vocals.  Danny Bryal popped up to play the Georgia Satellites number and then Duane came back onboard to which we decided to pay respect and due to the loss of Gregg Allman by doing a jazzy introduction to Dreams I'll Never See Again, to which I never played the Allman Brothers version but I followed Duane on every note he put out.  This time out, Duane made me play the accent breaks on the chorus to Dreams and dammed if it didn't work.  And Rick Clay played amazing guitar, but a Spinal Tap moment came when his amps suddenly stopped working, but Duane and I kept playing.  It was such a magical moment before the amp malfunction.

The three songs did branched out to about 10 minutes on stage, Dreams going about for 8 minutes I believe.  Like last week, I was in a good groove and had great musicians helping me keep that groove.   Buddy came up to help out on some metal songs with Karie Skogman and Amanda from Four Day Creep.   Earlier in the afternoon Dave Bonham paired up with Tim Wiley on a couple blues numbers with Mike Lint.  That might have been the least rocking part of the jam, more blues than hard rock.  Still we had plenty of jammers that helped out, it wasn't as packed as it was last week but we had plenty of people there.  Which made the folks at Rumors quite happy.  Later on while talking to Julie before bed, I mentioned about me and Buddy being there and she said had she known this she would have been there.   Wished she would have been there, she'd rocked the joint too.

Tim Wiley did join the fun earlier on, but of course once he got done, he was long gone.  He never seems to hang around when I get up on stage but I still love him anyway.

All photos taken from video stills is by Kevin Simnacher (but this photo and Tim Wiley  is by Tami Soukup) Without him around, I would be the invisible man.

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