Friday, 31 July 2020

Thoughts From The Townedger-July Edition

The CorVid Virus issues of 2020 continue to play havoc.  The Blu Room in Dubuque has closed their doors.  I was looking forward to play at their jams this year.   I will try to get back to the Pub 1848 Monday Jam before that gets shut down.  But I believe Sean Ryan will do his damnest to keep it going.  If anything I managed to see Julie and her furbabies this month.  I have to wear a mask when I go over.  It's the least I can do to show how much that I care about her.

Callie Jean  is now a CNA and working at a care place in Anamosa.  At this point, she's not singing anymore and is ready to become a first time mom.  She'll be a great mom; now let us work on her to quit smoking. She joins my ex Nicole as a CNA helper.

44 years ago....In my memories field, an old picture of Janice Tygerrsson came up, Tygerrsson is her married name, in 86, she married a guy from Iceland and have been together ever since.  Memories tend to fade but somehow she hasn't.  She remains a subconscious part of my life in the songs that I sing. I didn't take American Studies in my freshman year and had to take it the next year, to which Janice and her friends proceeded to make my life a living hell.  Back then it was a school girl crush and there were feeble attempts to go steady.  Both of us failed miserably and I still remember Colour My World by Chicago playing and somehow my feeble attempt to grab her hand to slow dance only to have her pull away, to which at that moment, the dream was shattered, and her buddy Sue stepped in.  The next day, she came into the Longfellow playground with Sue and it turned into a screamfest. Somehow she popped up with I Love You and I looked at her and sneered, yeah right.  We both cooled off and promised to make amends, which never happened.  In that time, I just couldn't get away from her.

I told the story and the aftermath so many time in other blogs that it's not worth the effort to relive the heartbreak or missed chances.  To be honest, Janice wanted a large family of her own, she couldn't get me out of the record stores or being the legend in my mind rocker at that time.  Would she have wanted me to be play music or drums?   I doubt it, but in the back of my mind when Paraphernalia was playing around the area  I did hope to see her somewhere down the line.  She moved to Texas with a classmate who passed away a while ago and found her soulmate and got that large family she wanted and now is a Grandma.  I don't see the need to post her picture of today, we haven't touched base in so long and we are not a part of each other's lives anyway.  I always told her, that I wasn't the one, you haven't met your true love.  But to be honest, when she sat on my lap one day after a date, I do admit that I kinda enjoyed that.  I just wish I was a bit more accessible and not so angry back then.

The story on John Field is getting more sadder.  Even Russ has given up hope to get John to play again, seems like he's in trouble with the law on something.  Or is in the hospital, or jail.

About Craig Morrison, one of those dudes that will promise to show up at your gig or jam and doesn't. He seemed to be more critical on musical things or opinions that I had.  He got into it with a friend of mine and then proceeded to take a photo of the exchange and unfriended me afterwards. The kind of dude I can do without in this life. To relieve him of his misery, I blocked him so he didn't get offended at everything I said on my other page.  He split one too many hairs so he can piss off.

It's not looking good for the FB Company Waubeek Jam to make a return this year.  Russ has expressed interest of playing there.  I could try to sell him the idea of playing in Blues Rox since getting a bass player would add more spice to the songs.   Not having the Parlor City blues jam has kinda taken Kristopher back a step or two but he does hold his own on the blues songs.  With the blues festivals canceled this summer, it took the wind out of our sails in getting exposure.  We could have open for Avery-Grows Band this summer.  But Brian races cars on Friday and Saturday Nights. I worry about him and always have a prayer that he will get through a race and not crash.

I still think bars will close down again if the stats keep going up for Corvid testing.  Blues Rox played  JA Tap tonight and while our performance wasn't up to par, especially for the first two sets, the owner mentioned he would like to have us back again, when things get back to normal.  I tend to think we need a bass player to help things along.  Not having Craig Erickson or Kevin Burt has rusted down what Kristopher can do, if they were around, chances are he'd be top notch again.  I still remain committed to Blues Rox, but like every band out there, there could be a change if the music gets stagnated.    They could go with a more relaxed drummer, but I'm their favorite drummer.  So I'm good for now.

Not a lot going on.  Next month will be a handful of acoustic adventures shows and the Cabin Jam.  But till then.

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