Wednesday 18 March 2020

A Message From The Townedger About the Corona Virus

As expected the upcoming jams and gigs with Blues Rox were canceled due to the Corona virus outbreak.  We had a couple co workers who had roommates and daughters that were infected. Thankfully they stayed home this week.   When Julie played Friday Night at Rumors, she was battling her own illness of the flu and laryngitis.  It came to the conclusion that we needed to social distance from each other.  I really didn't want her cold so I quarantined myself from her till April.  I have also decided that I needed a break from Facebook at well, so I will not be posting anything from now till April.

As a precaution, I told Brian of Blues Rox of the situation at work and decided to put off getting together for at least another week.

I have suspended playing in the Acoustic Adventures for the rest of the month, just to distance myself from anybody who might be sick.  They might have allergies or the common cold or sinus issues, not necessary the Corona 19 bug.   The Artisan Sanctuary might have a open mic Thursday Night but chances are I will not be there.  Unless I cover up with a mask.

All of the bars that have live music have suspended from orders from our wonderful Governor, Gov. Kim Drunk Reynolds.   We are not the only state that has closed the bars and food places to eat at.  Given the situation that happened at The Long Branch to which the DJ ended up with the dreaded virus.  The Long Branch is not to blame for this, but this was the reason the state of emergency was given.   This means no music from Parlor City, Rumors, Stone City General Store, Otis Tailgators, JA Tap and the Glass Tap, plus FB Company, which is basically the bars I play at.  This will remain in effect till April 1.

The Corona Virus is no different than the common cold, a more mutated version mind you.  It was worse for me last year when I got nailed most of the year with Bronchitis and walking Pneumonia. Except for a couple days of a sore throat and runny nose, I have managed to stay healthy.  In fact I have never felt better than I have today.  I cannot recall a winter that I didn't get nailed with something (2012 maybe)   I'm counting my blessings with plenty of vitamins and zinc orotale, thanks to Julie for suggesting that.

With our workload at work, cut in half, it looks like the next few weeks, I can start working on the new album, the first since Logic N Lies.  It will goes as a solo album  (at the moment) but I reserve the right to call it The Townedgers.

In the meantime, if you're sick stay home, if you're working, wear protective glasses, wash your hands and limit your contact with other people till this blows over.  And for Fuck's sake quit hoarding the fucking toilet paper people. 

On behalf of myself, Blues Rox (Brian n Kris)  The Egads! (Belinda James) The New Paraphernalia Band (Russ Swearingen, John Field) and Acousta Crabbys (Julie Gordon), we hope and pray things will return to normal so we can play again.

Thank you and Goodnight. 

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