Erik Marshall passed away, he was part of the Meekats and early Surf Zombies with Brook Hoover, Kyle Oyloe, and Joel McDowell. I didn't know him personally, only from the Surf Zombies and Meekats albums. It is always sad to see a fellow musician pass away, more so when they are youuger than you. I'm sure he and Kyle are having fun in the great beyond with Jimi, Lemmy and a few others.
I did show up to the Black Friday Jam at the Eagles Club but didn't play. Mitch Smith and Mike Clair was there, Eddie Jarrell, Rocky Smith, Herman, Bonnie Harrison, Mike Williams, Dan Hartman and Matt Panek did play. Oh, forgot about Leroy Munn there too. The host drummer had a wide variety of trash can lids that sounded like crap and the drums were vintage Ludwigs. Had that nice 70s sound, but the cymbals didn't cut it. Plus they had a boom cymbal stand that kept falling over. I wouldn't be surprised if the cymbals had a bit of keyholing. there. It was for a good cause. I think somebody made me sick when I was up there. I've been hacking and coughing since Friday. And had to bow out of the jams for Sunday.
This month I managed to get out there to play on idle time at work. But the flu is going around and I think Terry caught it last weekend. I usually have the sneezes that bother me big time but can't get close to my girlfriend. Otherwise I'd be sleeping outside. She and Dave will be hosting the Unhibinated Acoustic Showcase in Iowa City on Tuesday Nights starting this week. As they say, I'll be there in spirit.
The question of loyalty remains whether or not if it brings any sense of reward. The Artisan Sanctuary open mic has been the main choice, I can play acoustic guitar and play the songs that I want to play. There's always those who want to dictate the rules, I know who they are and they have been around the block for decades. I love em all and like to be a part of their jams. I haven't convinced Julie to take part in our band, she's busy with Dave and other projects. Does this mean I should just not try somebody else to play the acoustic music and songs that I like? Kimberly has been the more receptive of the songs, tho I know she can be as strong willed as Cathy Hart as well. If I host a jam with Kimberly, then I get raked over the coals, even if it's a paying job. This kind of attitude has taken the fun out of playing it seems. But I do my damnest to support the likes of Hart/Parker, Jules and Dave and Kimberly's No Limits Band. The reward is to be compliment on being part of any band and helping out the cause. I seldom get paid.
For the Sunday Funday Jams, the drummers are coming back. Which might be the time to get back to playing guitar more often. In the case of Rumors, the object is to get there early and play and then high tail to Stone City for the acoustic jam. I haven't thought about Dharma's in Troy Mills, Stone City is closer, but who knows.
I remember seeing a You Tube video of Skip Lowe playing and winning the drum battle at Guitar Center in Des Moines in 2014. Skip was once part of Billy Lee Janey's prog rock EXP band and was working at West Music in the late 80s and early 90s. He was more dedicated to playing drums than I am so I never believed it when he mentioned me to be one of the best. When I see his video, there's no way I can top what he plays. Maybe Skip did move to Des Moines and continued on, but I have yet to see a FB page with him. Maybe he's one of the smart ones and don't have a FB page. Of course, you are going to have keyboard warriors slamming his looks, but even in a three piece suit Skip Lowe can run circles around them. He should be a legend in the Iowa HOF of drummers.
For the first time in three years, I have picked up the flu and cold. I suspect being that Eagles Club Friday might have done that or Thanksgiving at Mom's place. The fever and shakes suck, so does the coughing. Terry has been hit hard by the flu crud couldn't host the past couple jams. My guess was that Herman took over. For this month I'll be laying low for a while. Getting this shit saps all the energy out of me. Blues Rox will be back to improve on their music in December.