Tuesday 10 July 2018

Three Years:

Sunday:  Playing alongside Dreams Of Arcadia at the Buchanan Winery 7/8/18

Julie Gordon-Vocal and guitar
Ryan Paul-Keyboards, guitar and vocals
I played congas
Julie and I did Cinnamon Girl and Gold Dust Woman together.

It went 2 to 5 and we had a nice turnout,despite it being out in the boonies.

On a last second thought, I decided to move her music gear to my car.

Kyle's folks were out there cheering her on.

It was three years ago that I made my return back to the jam circuit by playing at Wrigleyville in Marion on a Thursday Night Jam.  I think I did three songs and sang to You Really Got Me.  I was quite rusty and didn't quite fit in very well but T Ray Robertson, Dan Hartman and Dave Bonham did complimented me on my playing.  Also, Peter Stark were Terry McDowell was in the audience.

I  always make it a habit to thank my supporters, they did help me eventually find my groove and later on helped me start playing guitar and singing my songs in public.

My thanks to the people who made this possible again to jam three years down the road.

Karen Tipton did start the ball rolling by telling me to get on down and start playing again.  I'll give her that for her encouragement.

Rod Albaugh really was the first person to convince me to give music another shot.  My first jam was with him at work and we played guitar to a few songs.

Terry T Ray Robertson, my second jam brother next to Rod Albaugh.

Terry McDowell, host drummer to the best jams in town and finding time for me to play a few songs, and talk drums for a while as well.

Russ Swearingen and DeWayne Schminkey:  The guys that connect the present to the past as we managed to jam together a couple times in 2015 and 2016

Doug Spinler: I enjoy jamming with him be it on drums or guitar, which happened for the first time ever this year.

Tim Wiley.  I had some good times jamming with him and being in the Wiley Kats.  I only wish he improvised a bit more.

Kyle Oyloe.  Gone way too soon.  Had he stayed alive we would have changed the sound of the Mad Dogs to something more alternative and more sinister.

Brook Hoover:  Next to Richard Edward Butler one of more eclectic artists out there.

Tim Duffy.  Very open minded on jams

Wooden Nickel Lottery-Rich and Jess Toomsen, Delayne Stallman, Rick Gallo. Rich is the best on guitar, why he chooses to play drums behind me is beyond me.

Lorie Parker and Cathy Hart.  Two of the three women that somehow got me to play more guitar on stage.  If I didn't Lorie provided the congas.

The Blues jammers out there:  Tom (T Bone) Giblin, Dan Johnson, Jon Wilson, Dennis McMurrin, Craig Erickson, Bryce Janey, Bob Gleason, Nick Lenicka, Mark Awad, Dr. George Hanna, Kim Trevillion, Jay Dean,  Stacy Roccio, Dave Bonham, Kevin Burt, Tony Brown, Byron Jackson and the Parlor City Faithful.  Gibby has been very good at getting me on stage to play a few songs when I take a long lunch break.

The Rock Jammers:   the gang from Hostage, Rick Clay, Amanda Marshall, Jon Blaughman and especially Troy Mitchell for letting me jam with them when they play live as Four Day Creep.   Jeff Overly, Karl Hudson and Peter Ciciappio, Karl was very good to me when he host the Gilligan's jam last year.  Kevin Sinmacher, Ryan Paul,  Brenda and Greg Mein,  Peter and CiCi Stark, the list goes on and on and I'm sure I'm missing a few.  Plus some great drummers too.  Trevor Worcel, Mike Lint, even Herm Sandry figures into this, Rob Haskill, Jessie Carruthers,  Bart Carfizzi, Mike the Bear Clair, Billy Bourbon.

Kenneth John Webb, my favorite bass player to jam with, he's so damn funky it hurts.

Mike Serbousek:  One of my favorite drummers and a damn good friend.

Ernest (Sippie) Bynum: When he sings The Twist, people take notice.

The EGADS! (Larry Axelman, Mark Randolph, Belinda James, Tim Nemec, Rose Slaymaker) We never played with everybody in tow but the talented Miss B as I call her has a nice silky vocal.  When Terry McDowell paired us up two years ago, I never thought that she would play a role in my music. I still think when Belinda is on stage, she does the best version of Fever out there.

The acoustic jammers that helped me sound better on my acoustic adventures:  Carl Meiners, Mike Fredericks, Jay Devore, Aaron Carl, Mako Dervo, David Lam, Phil and Darryl, Phil Bo King, Jim Jacobmeyer for believing. Shawn Ster, Donna Jo Eisner, Jeff Gage,  Luther Parker, Bart Bock, Lane Gaffney. Colton Thompson, Patrick Lower.  PJ and Pam Harrington.  And of course Tony Nickels too, he did his damnest to keep the Acoustic Jam alive, going from the Long Branch to Urban Pie.

Richard Edward Butler: I was so impressed on his choices for songs that I wanted him to play at the Marion Showcase a couple weeks ago. I'm always attracted to oddball singer songwriters. He's one of the best.  At least I think so.

Glen Gardner:  One of my closest jam buddies, Was part of KRNA and Jif And The Choosey Mothers but has come into his own as a great acoustic guitar player. Oh I wish I can play like him.

Steve Black Wolf:  My most radical music buddy, who isn't afraid to do protest music.  With Sofia Chesney,they have become a good musical duo.

Carl Meiners:  One of the most loved jammers out there,   He was going to drag me kicking and screaming to Stone City if I didn't get there and eventually I did.  I enjoy playing percussion to his songs or even a second guitar.

Greg and Brenda Mein-I love jamming with them especially on The Weight.  They do inspire me to play my best on certain songs.

In the three years of coming out of retirement, I continue to play on a week by week basis.  If I quit having fun, I would retire once again.  I do have days to which I get bored by things and opt out for a while or just play drums. But for the most part, the one special person who came out of nowhere during my second year of being in circulation.  I didn't know her till after the passing of Kyle  and for some reason during one night at Rumors, she took a seat alongside me and hung for a while.  I started going to watch her band The Mad Dogs play or when she sat in with Blue Scratch.  Even then, I considered her my favorite vocalist, but somehow she became my girlfriend against the odds.  She makes me sound great, even when I'm not but she did steal the show on my show in Marion.  I swore I would never fall in love ever again, but somehow Julie Gordon wouldn't give up and eventually she did capture my heart.  I know if I never played music again, our paths wouldn't cross.

To which the biggest thanks goes to Julie.  She's the reason why I keep playing today.

(Iowa's answer to Linda and Richard Thompson)

Three years.  A short but strange journey that kept getting better as the days rolled on.
And even if I forgot a few folks, they did help me become a pretty good musician.

Let's see if I can do this for another year.

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