Sunday 26 August 2018

Rumors' Jam-One Big Happy Family


Night Moves
Oklahoma Cowboys
Sexy And 17
Ain't No Sunshine
Roadhouse Blues

Billy Bourbon-Lead Vocals and Guitar (Night Moves, Oklahoma Cowboys)
Randy Burghdoff-Lead Vocals and Guitar  (Ain't No Sunshine, Roadhouse Blues)
Mike Clair-Bass
Myron sang lead on Sexy And 17
I played Drums

Terry McDowell-Host Drummer
Tommy Bruner-Host Guitar

(Ryan and Julie and the special guest percussionist)


My back spasms continue to plague me, so I opted for a couple of Bendryl and a 10 hour sleep before waking up to get an irate note from Julie wondering where everybody's at to do the Dreams Of Arcadia gig at the Buchanan Winery Sunday Afternoon.  It started at 2, which meant that we had to leave her place at noon to get there to set up and play.  When a woman is upset, you can't argue with them.  I did pick the congas up at Ryan's place and high tailed it to her place at a little after noon.  Julie wasn't exactly pleased.  But we did get there before one and it took about 20 minutes to get things right.

(I gotta hand it to Julie and Ryan for putting up with my antics)

The Winery is outside of Buchanan on a gravel road.  It was pretty humid but we had a wind coming that kinda made things tolerable.  Alas, the fucking flies were terrible and for the three hour set we had to deal with them.  I didn't play guitar, just percussion and Kevin Simnacher came out and shot a video and a few pictures.  It also rained a little bit after the first song.  After we got done, Ryan put everything into his car and him and Julie went home.

Once again Ryan broke a guitar string.  The same string that broke when he played Solon last weekend.

(That rare moment where somebody actually catches me smiling)

I went on to Rumors to do the jam instead of Stone City since I didn't have my guitar.  And there were plenty of people there.  It was strange to see three of Tommy's ex girlfriends there.  For the first time since I've saw her at a Estate sale across from her house I saw Jean Gilmore and we chatted for a while.  On my set of songs, Randy switched over to guitar and Mike played bass.  Some guy came up wanting to do the Stray Cats song She's Sexy And Seventeen, and nobody played it before, but I think we did okay. A lot of improvising for sure.  Billy redid the Oklahoma Cowboys Rolled Their Joints All Wrong, a song that Belinda and Mark Randolph did in the EGADS.  I think Billy and Bird play certain songs for that damned texas shuffle beat, something that I had to compromised and redo since it's hard to play it.  I must do a fine job, since they keep doing Roadhouse Blues.

Billy asked me on how I was doing on writing new songs and I told him about my writers' block.  He's a good guy and I wouldn't be surprised if I filled in for Herm sometime in the future.

The fallout from last week is done, and everybody is back on speaking terms.  At least I hope so.  I know Julie continues to wonder about me and vice versa, love is that way. We talk and promise but sometimes get so used to our ways that we don't notice the drifting apart.  I know we love each other. But I continue to let her decide if I should spend the night rather than show up unannounced.  If I look at the little things in life, I know she still cares.   While there certain jammers out there that have issues with Ryan, I don't.  He's been fair and upfront with me and he's gracious enough to let me play his congas during the Gig Sunday.

Done with the jam, I went to Cancun for Mexican supper and got stuck with a waitress too busy checking her smart phone and not coming around if I needed a refill.  So it was a rare time that I didn't leave a tip.  I usually do, if the service is good or better, but if their cellphone is more important then they won't be getting their 20 percent tip.  I'm sure she could have used that 2.15 for something but maybe the next time she'll learn to be a bit more concerned about her customers.

This ends my week long week of jam and it's back to work again.  I need a bigger paycheck and living on 400 dollars for two weeks isn't cutting it. Time to kick back and take it EZ till the Labor Day weekend comes up.

Then we'll be back and at it again.

Dreams Of Arcadia Video:

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