Wednesday 31 July 2019

Thoughts From The Townedger-July 2019

Summer is really flying by with all the jams and rock and roll going on.  At this time I basically go over the happenings and other assorted thoughts that might interest people or worth reading in the archives.   I managed to celebrate my 40th high school reunion in perhaps the best together we have and picked up a few classmates as friends. As long as we keep our political views to ourselves, we should be fine.

I am not in a lot of class pictures and even the recent get together I'm at the bare limit of photos.  Per usual, I am hiding in the back of the class photo.  Al Heeran did take a few more with me in them but they're mostly photo bombs.

The Longfellow bunch.  Jeff Kewley, my best friend from Longfellow, Dana Maroff who lived a house down from me,  Janice Z, Linda McCormick (not sure her married name is), Janeen, and Cheryl Kloppenstein.  Russ couldn't make this photo shoot, his dad passed away earlier in the day.  It's funny how I towered over all these folks.  Janeen has always been short but I noticed Cheryl has grown a bit over the years.  Back in the fourth and sixth grade I used to walk Cheryl home from school.  School boy crush but she only lived a half block away from the school.  Did the same thing with Janice for a time.  She lived a block away from my home, her brother had a drum set that caught my attention.  Tammy Barnhart was there at the reunion but may have left before this photo was taken.   We haven't changed all that much in person.  But I'm still not used to seeing us now in middle to senior citizen age.

Doug Spinler with another photo of him playing the Blue Brat.  What boggles the mind that he was good at playing songs at the variety show and I had a guitar but didn't know how to play it.   In high school he would tell these goofy jokes and he would invite me over for a overnight get together.  He had a couple of cute sisters that I would love to date but never got around to that.  Anyway, later on when I finally got a drum set and learned how to play I'd would jam with him and his dad for a afternoon.  His dad was very good with the guitar, Doug was better.  The closest person to a Don Rich that I'll ever know.  He does wonders with a telecaster.

Dana lived on the same block as we did.  We didn't really associate that much in school.  But we have kept more in touch on social media than ever before.  She married Scott Waters, another friend that figured into my drum playing, he gave me a cymbal from his drum set after he quit playing.  Eventually she found  a better person to get married to.  She even let me sign her high school book.
I had doubts that I would have fun at the Reunion this year and of course there's awkward moments with my grade school crushes but overall, it was the most fun of reunions that I had.  I wished that Steve Fry and Ken Dede would have been there.  As well as Steve Willard too.

I had a lot of fun playing for Notes From The Underground in Solon the other night.  I was kinda hoping somebody would have posted pictures of that gig but I guess we'll have to go with the mental pictures in my mind of that.

The situation with the gig at the Office Lounge last weekend hasn't set well with me or if the owner and Julie had their communications crossed.  But I can guarantee you this, if the next Office gig gets fouled up one way or another I will not set foot in that bar again.  I'm not a fan of loading gear and drive 20 miles to a closed bar and nobody had the decency to let us know about that.

When you work with an icon hall of famer who still can be heard on the radio and is in two of the Iowa Hall Of Fame, there's a bit of Master and Servant that comes into play.  I look at everybody in the same way, I enjoy sharing the stage with them and playing along.  I'll never be in any hall of fame, I'm too average and don't stand apart from the crowd.  I do note their contributions to the music scene and thank them for their services.  If they are a bit full of themselves (and I do noticed that since a few of them are Facebook friends) I will not be a regular to their hosting of jams.  It's the way life has become.   The more pompous they are, the less I'll support them.  

Bob and Ron are the two most known in the Master and Servant band, tho I give Ron credit in the world for letting me play the song in the way I hear it.  Bob, on the other hand, has employed the best in blues musicians out there, if you're not well known, he won't have the time of day for you.  Of course he could prove me wrong on this, but I do know if we talk Rekkids I will bring up bands he's never heard of.  Or request music that he longer has in the KUNI library. He has a habit of whining about that when you call him out on that.   Once upon a time, I would make it an effort to get to know him, but since I have known him and know his persona and that he's not interested, we keep it a friendly nod and a wink.

This month I noticed that my fellow musician friends have a way to play songs or arrangements that doesn't exactly fit the song.  Either I conform to it or get off the stage.  And that's why I document and take notes of the songs.  It proves to challenge to me.  While I do not enjoy playing Dixie Chicken when sprung upon me, I have to get back to listen to the song and practice that for the next time.  And I'm sure Billy Bourbon will spring it back on me again.

And for the record, most musicians in a jam set would rather have you keep a beat rather than smash and crash all over the place.  I'm getting that way myself.  Less drums, less cymbals, smaller sticks.  Maki Dervo has been telling me to go slim on the music. And it's easier on the ears.  I should know this.  For many years I have played big fat drumsticks, pounded on Paiste Rudes and Power Crashes and played in overdrive.  I tinkered and changed my playing style time and time again, the first year being way too over zealous and then gradually eased into playing with the bass player.  I'm watching people all the time, taking notes, see if the drum beats are with their foot tapping on the floor. It never ends to not pay attention to the crowd but rather to Dan Johnson, then over to Tommy Giblin and Bob Dorr, it's the rhythm folks that I follow.  Same thing with Rumors and Tommy Bruner, Bird, Billy and who else is on stage.  Music is a group effort and a group driven effort. Even to a hobbyist outsider.   For me, I do well, but I know I can get much better. I'm always learning, tho I do not show off on drums that much.  Easier to lose a beat if i overdo a drum roll or triplet.

The Checker's Acoustic Wednesday has never rebounded after the AcoustaKitties broken up.  Lorie and Kathy had better turnouts, but I went with Julie due to us having a special chemistry. In Kevin Moore's case,  I think he had good intentions but got frustrated after week after week of nobody showing up to help his cause. But he was quite lazy on the jams and not doing but a couple songs at the start and then let everybody took over for him.  I never had any issues with Kevin, but I did feel bad for him when I showed up and it was just me and him to do this jam.  He got paid, how little it may have been, to me it was practice. I'm sure they been talking about me since I was linked to Julie in the special friend department two years ago.   I think it's harder to love me than to love Julie, you can ask Nicole or Lisa for that matter.  I tend to follow my own road alone most of the time.  Julie is a woman, she'll speak her mind and we'll banter back and forth.  But she's a good person with a good heart. We are not a couple, but good friends.  I didn't think Kevin Moore would change the jam all that much, he's not as outgoing as Billy Bourbon is.  Billy has made more of an impact in this area since arriving last year, Kevin still is on the outside looking in.  Not showing up as host didn't help his cause.  Last week's reunion of Cathy and Lorie with Julie was probably a one off.  Lorie works nights and Cathy has other things going on, I don't see them coming back.   Maybe once in a while, but the Acoustic Wed jam is a sinking ship and I doubt if Julie can turn it around.  The cards are stacked against her.

The Rumors Wednesday Jam has done so so, but perhaps having new guest stars hosting it should be considered.    It's summertime, and nobody wants to be indoors,   Every jam has it's own clique and band members. Terry has kept the jams going on for four years, taking over for Bart Carfizzi, who has disappeared from the jam scene and Tim Duffy who moved South.   Tim Wiley tried to make it work but nobody supported him and after two weeks that was over.  I haven't seen Tim in over a year.

I have a good friendship with Terry and that's all that matters to me.   I don't play a lot of songs, I just do enough to get some drum practice in and move on down to Rumors to help Julie.   We got the Wildcat coming back from a long vacation to play drums and wow the folks again.  He's crazy but he is pretty damn good.  And they don't call him the Wildcat for nothing.  I do get along better with him than I do with Bob Dorr.  So do a few more folks.

The Rumors Wednesday Humpday Jam;

Angel From Birmingham
Unchain My Heart
Dust My Broom

With Kim, Terry, Tommy, Bird, Nick and Billy


There was no acoustic jam at Checkers.  Kevin Moore decided he had enough.  And nobody showed up anyway.  The Wildcat was let loose on drums tonight.  For a 64 year old drummer, he still is the hardest rocking drummer.  I thought Patrick Geisland was a hard rocking drummer, Wildcat is more harder.   The three songs done tonight were okay, by the book, nothing flashy.  Kraig did all the dirty work, I just laid down the beat.

When I saw Mike Fredericks showed up, I figured Checkers' had nothing going on.  I was right.  It'll be interesting to see what next week's jam will be like. I know I will have to commit to Julie's cause.It might be the last jam they have up there if we don't get jammers.

That's it for this month.  The journey continues this weekend when I host Waubeek's jam.

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